Coming Soon

IMRS Blog Coming Soon

Look, we love AI here at IMRS. It’s one of the greatest tools humanity has every created, and it will only become more useful as the years go on. But as much as we love AI, we hate soullessly generated AI blog posts.

I get it. It’s a whole lot easier to generate blogs than it is to write them, and when everyone else is doing it, it can feel like you’re falling behind. And as enticing as it is to cut your content generation time in half or more, no one wants to be bombarded with valueless AI content. In fact, Google has been filtering out AI generated content from their search results for close to a year now.

All that being said, we want our blog to be incredibly useful, so we won’t be adding random AI drivel to our site (Not that we won’t use AI at all, we just won’t be copy and pasting entire blog posts). Instead, we will carefully curate content that we’re experts in and will actually provide you value. Sadly, this also means our content won’t come out as fast as we’d like, which brings us to this post.

We’re currently working on a content plan for 2025; one that doesn’t just drive traffic, but gives our partners—and soon-to-be-partners—everything they need to see their startups and small businesses grow and succeed.

What can you expect from us this year? Well, here’s a little sneak peek at some of the things we have cooking:

Scrum 101

We built Meteor because we’re experts in project management and knew how to implement the most valuable automations in the process. But, we weren’t satisfied with creating the only Scrum-focused, AI-automated tool on the market. We also wanted to make sure every person who used it had the knowledge to use it to its fullest. It’s hard enough when starting a business to generate revenue and keep the company afloat, we didn’t want to add a project management learning curve to get in the way.

So, this year we will be building a Scrum course for beginners. It will be completely free, and include every ounce of knowledge and experience our team has. We won’t hold anything back, and we’ll get into every gritty detail of running a successful scrum project. With the knowledge we’ll provide, you’ll get all the information you’d get from those expensive certification classes, and more.

The Power of Automation

Too many IT organizations have failed to master the power of automation in their development pipelines, and project management automation is still in its infancy. Well, get ready, because we’re about to share everything we know about project management and software development automation. Our development pipelines are significantly automated, and we are automating project management in a way no one else is, so we’re going to take that knowledge and our innovative mindset and share our everything we know. We hope to help others with leveraging traditional and AI-backed automation to achieve performance they may not have believed was possible.

And more…

I know, I only gave you two things to look forward to. Honestly, those are the only two things we know for sure we’ll be working on for now. There will be more, we just haven’t listed it out yet. Honestly though, there’s enough information in those two items to fill several books.

The Good News

Now, I don’t want you to think that you have to wait for our content to partner with us. We’re ready and capable to provide our tools and services with you immediately!

But we don’t stop at tools and services. We’re so committed to our partners that we have open office hours to provide consultations to them for free! No pushy sales pitches, no ambiguous answers meant to force you to pay for our services. Just us, on a call, talking about what you want, all working to solve the problem you need solved and holding nothing back. If it turns our we can’t help someone in our network but someone else we know has the expertise they’re looking for, we’ll connect them!

We truly see your success as our own.

So, whatever level of technical help you need, our decades of experience in technology across a myriad of industries could be at your fingertips.

And here’s the “but” you were waiting for: You need to be one of our partners to get in those consultations.

There are two ways to do that:

  1. Be a subscriber to Meteor (It’s $4.97/mo and has a 7-day free trial, no credit card required)
  2. Be someone to whom we already provide IT services

It’s honestly pretty easy, and we’ve design it that way. So stop waiting! Become a partner and let us help rocket your way to success!